Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Introducing Game Developer Tools

I am really excited about what happened tonight. We just announced the introduction of the Adobe Game Developer Tools on Creative Cloud. You can read the official announcement here. As part of this, we are introducing three new products: Adobe Gaming SDK, FlasCC and Adobe Scout, which I have been working on for a year now. Here is a video about Adobe Scout and why it is going to change everything for your as a developer: I wrote a full article on how to get started with Scout. Make sure you check it out! If you have any questions, check the Scout forums! If you want to take a deep dive in Scout you can also check the video tutorials here. We also wanted to provide a great out of the box experience for developers to get started with the stack. Provide a nice package that allowa developers to get up and running quickly without having to hunt for the frameworks needed, the compilers and right documentation. That's why we are also introducing the Gaming SDK: The Gaming SDK contains the key frameworks you guys need to use to create fast performing 2D and 3D GPU games, but also much more, from the ATF tools to iOS ANEs. Starling, Feathers and Away3D are officially supported by Adobe and part of the Gaming SDK. It provides to you a one stop shop package to get started with the technology, we hope you guys will enjoy it! For those of you guys doing native development and interested in porting native games to the desktop, you can now use FlasCC (formerly named Alchemy), which is now release quality and supported.

Read more: Introducing Game Developer Tools

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