During this tutorial, we’ll use the Project Panel in Flash to create a vertical animated AS3 menu. The whole process will allow you to easily customize all aspects of the menu using the parameterized constructors. Read on to learn more!
Final Result Preview
Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:
Step 1: Create a New Project
Start by creating a new project. Open Flash and go to File > New, then select Flash Project. The Project panel will appear.

In the Projects dropdown select New Project. Type the project name “AnimatedMenu”. In the Root Folder, browse and choose where you want to save your project; you can select an already existing folder or create a new one. Make sure the ActionScript version is set to ActionScript 3.0 and click Create Project.

Step 2: Add the Classes Folder
Now that the project is created, we are going to add a new folder to group in it our classes. Still in the same panel “Project” press the “New Folder” icon in the bottom, name the new folder “Classes” and click Create Folder.

Step 3: Install TweenLite
During this tutorial we will use the TweenLite classes from GreenSock for tweening, so we need to add it to our project. Download it and extract it, place it in your project folder (so you will have AnimatedMenu/com/greensock/).
Now if you refresh the Project panel you should see this structure:

Step 4: Create a New Flash File
Click the “New File” icon in the Project panel to create a new file, name it “AnimatedMenu.fla” (make sure that the File Type is Flash File) and click Create File [...]
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