Thursday, September 15, 2011

An Introduction to FlashPunk: The Basics

Learn the basics of how FlashPunk works – an amazing library to save you time and help you create the perfect game!

Final Result Preview

Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:

Use the arrow keys to move your character (the blue guy). The red/brown guy is an NPC; the shaded red area is a danger zone, and the green box is a button. You’ll learn how to create all this in this tutorial.

Step 1: What Is FlashPunk?

FlashPunk logo

FlashPunk is an ActionScript 3 library created for the development of Flash games. Basically, it does all the hard work for you and lets you focus entirely on developing your game, rather than on the engine behind it. The best part about it is that you don’t need Flash Pro to work with it: you can do everything with a free code editor like FlashDevelop. Not to mention it’s way faster when it comes to drawing things on screen, since it uses blitting!

This tutorial will go through all the basics of FlashPunk. After following it, you’ll be ready to make a simple game with this amazing library!

Step 2: Initializing the Engine

Begin by downloading the latest version of FlashPunk from the official site (this tutorial uses the version from August 30, 2011). Put the “net” folder, with all its contents, in your “src” folder.

FlashPunk has a class called Engine. This class is what starts everything in the library. Think of it as a Main class, but with special code to power up all the classes in FlashPunk. In order to use the Engine class, we will modify the Main class a little bit.

 import net.flashpunk.Engine;

 public class Main extends Engine

  public function Main():void




Now, our class extends Engine. In Main‘s constructor, we need to make a call to the Engine constructor: this is what sets the important information about the game: width, height, framerate and whether the engine should run at a fixed framerate or not.

public function Main():void
 super(550, 400, 30, false);

There is a function that can (and must be) overridden from the Engine class: the init() function. It will run only once, and will initialize everything to get the game working.

override public function init():void
 trace("The game has started!");

I’m pretty sure everyone wants to put something on the screen and see this engine working! Because of that, the next few steps will cover the very basics of the elements of FlashPunk, adding depth as the tutorial goes on.

Step 3: Worlds and Entities

In FlashPunk, there are elements called Worlds and Entities. These are the main elements of the library, and you’ll work with them from the beginning to the very end of your game.

Worlds are pretty much like what is commonly known as a “screen”. Everything in your game will happen in a world: the main menu is a world that will give you access to the actual game world, where you will fight some enemies and die, which will lead you to the game over world, with your scores and statistics about how well you did. More about worlds will be explained later.

Entities are exactly what they seem to be; they live in a world and do something in it: a button is an entity; your character is an entity; enemies and bullets are entities. They are the things that give life to the game.

Given that, we will create the game world (there’s time to make the main menu world later, let’s jump to some action!) by extending FlashPunk’s World class:

 import net.flashpunk.World;

 public class GameWorld extends World

  public function GameWorld()




Now that you have created a world, you need to tell FlashPunk that you want this world to be the active one. Let’s do it in

private var _gameWorld:GameWorld;

public function Main():void
 super(550, 400, 30, false);

 _gameWorld = new GameWorld();

override public function init():void
 trace("The game has started!"); = _gameWorld;

And don’t forget to import net.flashpunk.FP!

Step 4: Adding an Entity, and Giving It an Image

Now that we have our world, we can make an entity by extending the Entity class and adding it to our game world [...]

Read more: An Introduction to FlashPunk: The Basics

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