In this tutorial, I will introduce you to the concept of isometric content creation and the basics of designing with it, using the open source library As3isolib. We will use these skills to create a simple level editor, suitable for an isometric game.
Final Result Preview
Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:
The SWF has been squashed slightly to fit in the page; click here to see it full-size.
Step 1: What is Meant by “Isometric”
First, it’s important to know what we mean by isometric. Isometric is a Greek term which means having equal measurement: all measurements are to scale, no matter how far close or how far in the distance they are from the viewpoint. So in mathematics, isometric projection is a type of projection which preserves distance along objects.
Suppose you are in an isometric view; you will have a 3D view (e.g. when a camera takes a photo of you) where no matter you are, you will be shown at the same scale according to that camera. This is in contrast to a true perspective, where you will be reduced in size when you are far away from the camera.

As3isolib handles all the underlying math involved in creating your scenes and views, so don’t worry about the math!
Step 2: What Does Tile-Based Mean?
Tile based is a term used for any graphical content that uses tiles as a fundmental element. The concept itself is a bit old — it was used in older games for technical reasons — but this doesn’t mean that tile based games are now dead; these days 3D rendering is, but these 3D games can be tile based (and many are). This is where isometric games come in. Tiles are usually rectangular, but there are also square tiles, triangular tiles and even hexagonal tiles (as in some Civilization titles).
Step 3: Rectangular Maps vs. Isometric Maps
Rectangular tiles are the easiest of all to work with, though most of the time, when working in rectangle land, you use square tiles. You can use other sizes, of course, but square seems to be a favorite. The point of view for games with square tiles is usually top down or overhead. This just means that all your graphics must be drawn as though you are looking down on the object. Sometimes you can give your game a slightly angled view so that you are looking mostly down, but you can see some of the front or back.
Another point of view for square tiles is the “side-scroller” view, where you are looking at the world from its side. This was very popular among older action games like Super Mario Bros and the original 2D Duke Nukem. In a rectangular map, moving along the X-axis means moving east, and moving along the Y-axis means moving south. In an isometric tilemap, depending on its type, moving along the X-axis might mean moving southeast, and moving along the Y-axis might mean moving southwest. In isometric tiles we still use rectangular areas to contain the tiles; this is not going to change. What will change is how you will render them.
(Editor’s note: a great guide to different types of perspective can be found here.)
Step 4: Isometric Map Types
There are three types of isometric tilemaps: slide, staggered, and diamond. Each has its own set of quirks, its own methods of rendering, its own way of representing a tilemap, and its own method of navigating them. I will introduce them briefly in this step.
Slide Maps: The slide tilemap is probably the easiest to render, navigate, and interact with. Unfortunately, it has limited uses. It’s mainly used to scroll action games. Usually, a slide map has a horizontal X axis and a diagonal Y axis, although it is possible to have a vertical Y axis and a diagonal X axis. The tiles are blitted in horizontal rows top to bottom.
Staggered Maps: Staggered maps works perfectly in turn-based strategy games. It is also very useful in simulating a round world; it is best suited for maps that wrap around (move from one edge to the other). Each new row of the map is alternately shifted one-half of a tile left or right, which results in a zigzag pattern of tiles. The X axis is usually horizontal (increasing to the east), and the Y axis is southeast and southwest. Staggered maps are the most irregular of the three. The tiles are blitted in horizontal rows, top to bottom.
Diamond Maps: This type of map is very popular in real-time strategy games. These maps are the least offensive; slide maps have “tattered” tops and bottoms, and staggered maps have “tattered” edges, so diamond maps are the smoothest. In diamond maps, the only requirement is that both the X- and Y-axis are diagonal, so you can increase X-axis or Y-axis as fits you, like the X axis increasing to the southwest and the Y axis to the southeast [...]
Read more: Build an Isometric Map Editor With As3isolib:
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