Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Introducing Starling

Starling Framework LogoI am excited to introduce today a new project we have been working on, called "Starling". So what is it ?

Starling is a 2D framework for game development developed in collaboration with the Austrian company Gamua (already behind the Sparrow-Framework on iOS), running on top of Stage3D (Molehill). It allows developers to leverage the power of the GPU without diving into the low-level details of the Stage3D APIs (available in Flash Player 11 and Adobe AIR 3). I am convinced that most of Flash developers will love this initiative, as most developers would like to leverage the GPU while reusing concepts like an event model, a display list, movieclips, sprites, etc.

Most of you, who had a look at the Stage3D APIs understand that this can be complex sometimes. So instead of writing 60 lines of code to draw a textured quad.

You will write the following :

// create a Texture object out of an embedded bitmap
var texture:Texture = Texture.fromBitmap ( new embeddedBitmap() );

// create an Image object our of the Texture
var image:Image = new Image(texture);

// set the properties
quad.pivotX = 50;
quad.pivotY = 50;
quad.x = 300;
quad.y = 150;
quad.rotation = Math.PI/4;

// display it

Quite nice hu ?

Of course, as a little obligatory test, find below a bunch of things (yes, sausages!) moving around :


Click for demo.

Here is below another demo using Starling plugged with Box2D (for physics) :

Starling and Box2D

Click for demo.

Then, you have complete rendering of the your physics scene on the GPU.

Then of course particles! :

Starling Particles

Click for demo (press right key for starting the particles and change).

Below a more concret example including MovieClip (through spritesheet) :

Sausage Kong

Click for demo.

If you want to learn more about Starling, check the little book (Introducing Starling - 107 pages) I wrote about it, you can download it from the link below, it covers many concepts to get started with Starling :

Starling Book

click to download (Introducing Starling - rev 1.0).

Check the official Starling website to download it and share your content with the Starling community.

I hope you will like it!

Read more: Introducing Starling

Monday, September 19, 2011

Composing BitmapData Scenes

Since Flash 8, BitmapData has offered a wide range of possibilities to improve performance. Many Flash apps, particularly games, choose to simply display a single, huge BitmapData, render the entire game scene into it and, for the most part, eschew Stage‘s whole system of DisplayObject and DisplayObjectContainer. When you’re doing this or just generally using [...]

Read more: Composing BitmapData Scenes

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial

In this tutorial (the first of a series), you’ll learn the basics of HTML5 game development with JavaScript and the <canvas> element. You don’t need to have any programming experience, or even any HTML experience (apart from this one article). Let’s get started!


It would be difficult to have missed the “HTML5 vs Flash” articles that have sprung up all over the web, particularly since Steve Jobs’s Thoughts on Flash last year, and Microsoft’s announcement this week that Windows 8′s web browser won’t support Flash on tablets by default. I’m not going to get into that debate here; whatever your opinion, there’s no harm in learning HTML5. Even if you know Flash, it doesn’t hurt to have another tool in your kit.

This tutorial does not require you know know Flash, or to have had any experience of programming before. In fact, everything that you need to know before you get started is explained in this single article: Get Up to Speed With HTML. That’s it! If you can follow that, you can follow this.

I’m basing this series on my Flash tutorial series, which in turn was based on an even older Flash tutorial by a guy named FrozenHaddock (to whom I am very grateful for letting me use his ideas). This isn’t a direct port of either tutorial, however; I’ll be completely rewriting the code and the explanations to suit HTML5.

A couple of notes:

  • Cross-browser compatibility is a real and important issue in web development, but we’re going to be a little selfish and focus on making sure our game works in exactly one browser: Chrome. Rest assured, we will deal with other browsers (including mobile) in other Activetuts+ tutorials, but for the time being, we’ll stick with Chrome, so that we don’t have to split our focus.
  • Clean code is more important in HTML5 than in a lot of other platforms, because the underlying programming language (JavaScript) will let you get away with a lot. So, we’re going to make sure that you get in the habit of writing decent code… eventually. We’ll be a little messy at the start, just to get things rolling and avoid making you scroll through thousands of words on “best practices” before actually getting to do anything.

In this first part of the tutorial, we’ll just be setting everything up and putting in some very basic game mechanics. Future parts will add multiple spawning enemies, high scores, menu screens, multiple levels, and all that stuff.

Enough talk – let’s get started!

Setting Up

First thing to do is create a .html file. You can use a basic text editor for this, or spend a few hundred dollars on software specifically designed for HTML development; personally, I’d stick with free software for now. Here are three recommendations: TextEdit (for Mac), Notepad++ (for Windows), and Sublime Text 2 (for Windows, OS X, and Linux). Take your pick.

Create a new file, and enter the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML5 Avoider Game</title>


If you don’t understand what any of that does, read my basic guide to HTML.

Create a new folder on your hard drive called AvoiderGame, and save this HTML file inside it as game.html. If you load it right now, it’ll just show a blank white page (as you know), so put a paragraph of text in there just to make sure everything’s okay. I’ll add a link to this tutorial, but you could enter anything you like – your name and website, perhaps?

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML5 Avoider Game</title>
  <p>From <a href="" rel="external">Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial</a>.</p>


Okay, now, you will not be surprised to hear that we will soon be writing some JavaScript – remember, JavaScript lets web pages do things, and that’s exactly what we need for making games. We’ll put all our JavaScript in an external file, in order to keep things tidy, and put this file in a separate folder, to keep things tidier still.

So, create a new folder, called js inside your AvoiderGame folder. Then, create a new, empty text file, and save it as main.js inside this new AvoiderGame/js/ folder.

Alter your HTML to refer to this JS file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML5 Avoider Game</title>
  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
  <p>From <a href="" rel="external">Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial</a>.</p>

Note that I haven’t written src="", or src="C:\AvoiderGame\js\main.js"; this way, we’re telling the HTML page, “look for a js folder in the same directory as you, and then use the main.js file that’s inside it.” It’s called a relative path.

If you want to test that this is working, put alert("Working!"); in your JS file, then load the HTML page. If you get a dialog box, everything’s okay.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML5 Avoider Game</title>
  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
  <p>From <a href="" rel="external">Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial</a>.</p>


While we’re at it, let’s link an external CSS file as well; we can use it to make the text look nicer, and we might need to use CSS in the game later.

Create a new folder inside AvoiderGame called css, and then create a new, empty text file called style.css inside that. Modify your HTML like so:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML5 Avoider Game</title>
  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
  <p>From <a href="" rel="external">Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial</a>.</p>

I’m going to modify my CSS file to match some styles we often use on demo pages here at Activetuts+; feel free to copy it, come up with your own, or leave yours blank:

body {
 background: #ffffff;
 text-align: center;
 padding: 20px;
 color: #575757;
 font: 14px/21px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;

a {
 color: #B93F14;

a:hover {
 text-decoration: none;

ol {
 width: 600px;
 text-align: left;
 margin: 15px auto

This tutorial isn’t about CSS, so if you don’t understand that, don’t worry about it. (If you’re curious, you can look up the meaning of those CSS attributes on

Okay, that’s the dull setup out of the way. You can see how the page looks by clicking here, and you can download the entire source so far in a ZIP file here. Let’s create our avatar!

Get Your Head in the Game

We need an image that will represent our player’s character in this game. Use whatever you like – a photograph of your face, your Twitter avatar, a picture you’ve drawn – but make sure it has a transparent background, that it’s roughly circular, and that it’s about 30x30px.

The original tutorial on which this one is based used a skull. I’m not sure why, but I suspect it was an attempt to subvert games’ typical anti-skeleton stance; after all, under our skin, doesn’t every one of us have a skull?

I’m not one to break with tradition, so I’ll use a skull here too. You can download mine by right-clicking it, if you don’t want to make your own [...]

Read more: Learn HTML5 With This Simple Avoider Game Tutorial

Thursday, September 15, 2011

An Introduction to FlashPunk: The Basics

Learn the basics of how FlashPunk works – an amazing library to save you time and help you create the perfect game!

Final Result Preview

Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:

Use the arrow keys to move your character (the blue guy). The red/brown guy is an NPC; the shaded red area is a danger zone, and the green box is a button. You’ll learn how to create all this in this tutorial.

Step 1: What Is FlashPunk?

FlashPunk logo

FlashPunk is an ActionScript 3 library created for the development of Flash games. Basically, it does all the hard work for you and lets you focus entirely on developing your game, rather than on the engine behind it. The best part about it is that you don’t need Flash Pro to work with it: you can do everything with a free code editor like FlashDevelop. Not to mention it’s way faster when it comes to drawing things on screen, since it uses blitting!

This tutorial will go through all the basics of FlashPunk. After following it, you’ll be ready to make a simple game with this amazing library!

Step 2: Initializing the Engine

Begin by downloading the latest version of FlashPunk from the official site (this tutorial uses the version from August 30, 2011). Put the “net” folder, with all its contents, in your “src” folder.

FlashPunk has a class called Engine. This class is what starts everything in the library. Think of it as a Main class, but with special code to power up all the classes in FlashPunk. In order to use the Engine class, we will modify the Main class a little bit.

 import net.flashpunk.Engine;

 public class Main extends Engine

  public function Main():void




Now, our class extends Engine. In Main‘s constructor, we need to make a call to the Engine constructor: this is what sets the important information about the game: width, height, framerate and whether the engine should run at a fixed framerate or not.

public function Main():void
 super(550, 400, 30, false);

There is a function that can (and must be) overridden from the Engine class: the init() function. It will run only once, and will initialize everything to get the game working.

override public function init():void
 trace("The game has started!");

I’m pretty sure everyone wants to put something on the screen and see this engine working! Because of that, the next few steps will cover the very basics of the elements of FlashPunk, adding depth as the tutorial goes on.

Step 3: Worlds and Entities

In FlashPunk, there are elements called Worlds and Entities. These are the main elements of the library, and you’ll work with them from the beginning to the very end of your game.

Worlds are pretty much like what is commonly known as a “screen”. Everything in your game will happen in a world: the main menu is a world that will give you access to the actual game world, where you will fight some enemies and die, which will lead you to the game over world, with your scores and statistics about how well you did. More about worlds will be explained later.

Entities are exactly what they seem to be; they live in a world and do something in it: a button is an entity; your character is an entity; enemies and bullets are entities. They are the things that give life to the game.

Given that, we will create the game world (there’s time to make the main menu world later, let’s jump to some action!) by extending FlashPunk’s World class:

 import net.flashpunk.World;

 public class GameWorld extends World

  public function GameWorld()




Now that you have created a world, you need to tell FlashPunk that you want this world to be the active one. Let’s do it in

private var _gameWorld:GameWorld;

public function Main():void
 super(550, 400, 30, false);

 _gameWorld = new GameWorld();

override public function init():void
 trace("The game has started!"); = _gameWorld;

And don’t forget to import net.flashpunk.FP!

Step 4: Adding an Entity, and Giving It an Image

Now that we have our world, we can make an entity by extending the Entity class and adding it to our game world [...]

Read more: An Introduction to FlashPunk: The Basics

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

MVC for games

Second thoughts on MVC (following a first article about the use of MVC by game developers). Let's assume that the user inputs are first caught by a controller, and a view is displayed to the user at the end. What are the communication possibilities in-between?

Vanilla MVC

As seen on Wikipedia, the theoretical 'vanilla' MVC refers to an architecture where the controller updates the model, then notifies the view, which in turn fetches the data to display from the model.

Application for games: the system is event-based: it is only awakened by the actions of the user. If the world has NPCs, they can not act independently of the user. It may be OK for turn-based games like Chess, but not so much for games with living worlds like Morrowind or Harvest Moon.


In web development, the "logic" is often split into multiple controllers. To determine which controller the user's action is targeted to, web frameworks such as ASP.NET or Spring use a front controller pattern. The front controller maps URLs to actions to execute (and which controllers to call). I'm not entirely sure, but compared to the vanilla MVC, it seems that the (front) controller is now giving the model to the view, instead of having the view fetching the model by itself. Therefore, the model to be displayed is carried from M to C, and from C to V, twice more data going around than in vanilla MVC (where it used to be moved only from M to V).

In games, the model can get quite large, and moving it around can get costly. It would not be so costly if only resulting differences to the model (instead of the whole model) were exchanged, but it depends on the modernity of the rendering. Alpha compositing makes it possible to render variations of the game state (ie the model) by layering image elements. Many games/game frameworks such as pygame still use bit blitting, which requires to erase and reprint the whole screen.

Game MVC

This nice article about MVC for games explains:

  • The controller handles the input and flow of the game logic. This is akin to the states your game can be in. My primary two controllers are main menu controller and an in-game controller. They are responsible for converting input into something the game world (model) can understand. Eg "Create unit x at base y".
  • The model handles all game logic. It has nothing to do with input, rendering or networking. It is a pure view into the game world. Designers need only worry about what’s in the model.
  • The view DOES know about the model. The [view] has read-only access to the model. This model can be anything. For my main menu it’s a list of UI controls the controller has built. For the in game view, it’s the game world. Rather than "reusing views in different controllers" what is more important is "having multiple views on a single controller". For example there might be a 2D and a 3D view of the game world.

What is still missing from the picture is the game loop. In games, the model is rendered by the view 60 times per second, and the inputs of the user are processed at the same frequency. As mentioned in the quotes above, some component, be it a controller or something else, still has to determine which view should be active at any given frame, and which controller it is associated with.

Read more: MVC for games

Understanding Date(): Making a Calendar in AS3

Today we’ll build a fully functional calendar widget using AS3. It’s not rocket science, just an excellent example of using the Date class, which can handle all the complexity of extracting times, dates, months and years. We are also going to use some Flash components, and make sure that this calendar is portable to Flash Builder, FlashDevelop, and so on.

Final Result Preview

Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:

Step 1: Brainstorming

Before starting to build the code, let’s take a look at what we’ll need:

  • A class file,,
  • A cell grid, to place dates,
  • Labels for day names,
  • Function to get current date, month and year,
  • Function to get previous months’ days,
  • Function to get future months’ days,
  • Something to address the leap year issue,
  • Interface to pick any month and year,
  • Portability (for Flash Builder, FlashDevelop, and other IDEs).

Step 2: Preparing the Class File

In this step we shall create a basic structure of our class file.

There are several ways of creating ActionScript class file, like using FDT, Flash Builder, FlashDevelop. And, of course, the “Higgs Boson” of this multimedia world: the one true Flash IDE. I am using Flash Professional. Create an ActionScript 3.0 class file. The following is the basic structure of to start with.

package  {

 import flash.display.Sprite;

 public class Calendar extends Sprite {


  public function Calendar () {

   // constructor code

I am sure that you have saved this class file as in the new folder for this calendar app. If not please save it.

Step by step we shall modify this to make it fully functional.

In the next step we will create a few text fields to label the weekdays and dates.

Step 3: Setting Up Text Formats for Dates and Weekdays

In this step we will modify our class by declaring some variables and creating a new function setTextFormat( fontFace, fontSize ).

We will also passing some parameters to the constructor of the class.

Initially it will look like “Syntactic Sugar”, but as the tutorial progresses it will become “Syntactic Salt”. Sorry, but we want to keep this class compact so as to make it easily portable. The idea is to have only one class and that’s all.

So, keep a close watch on the constructor’s number of parameters and their order as we progress.

Back to modifying the document class…

package  {

 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.text.TextFormat;

 public class Calendar extends Sprite {

  private var dateCellFormat:TextFormat;
  private var dayLabelTxtFmt:TextFormat;

  public function Calendar( fontFace:String = "Arial", fontSize:int = 15 )
   setTextFormat( fontFace, fontSize );

  private function setTextFormat(whichFont:String, size:int):void {

   //date text format
   dateCellFormat = new TextFormat();
   dateCellFormat.font = whichFont;
   dateCellFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;
   dateCellFormat.size = size;
   dateCellFormat.align = "center";

   //day label text format
   dayLabelTxtFmt = new TextFormat();
   dayLabelTxtFmt.font = "_sans";
   dayLabelTxtFmt.color = 0x000000;
   dayLabelTxtFmt.size = size - 3;

Observe all the parameters passed to the constructor: we have already assigned values to them. This is the way to create default values for parameters. If no parameters are specified when instantiating the class, these default values will be used instead. We will see this in coming steps.

Nothing visible yet. Wait for a few steps.

Step 4: Creating Cell Grid to Arrange Dates

The calendar is made up of rows and columns forming a grid.

But how many rows and columns?

It depends on the calendar type – Vertical or Horizontal.

Vertical view needs 7 (rows) x 6 (columns), while horizontal view needs 6 (rows) x 7 (columns) as shown[...]

Read more: Understanding Date(): Making a Calendar in AS3

Sunday, September 11, 2011

quickb2 – Box2D for Flash games

quickb2 – Box2D for Flash games

QuickB2 is a complete abstraction of Box2D, providing grouped hierarchies, extensible classes, and event-driven callbacks. The high-level interface enables developers to create physics simulations that are impractical to write using Box2D’s API alone. It takes care of things that you don’t want to, so that you can concentrate on your game.

Here are some examples of what it can do:

Here is a place where you can ask questions:

I’ve just gone and looked through the demo reel, and I have to say this is quite impressive. Obviously having a nicer to use, ActionScript 3 style syntax rather than the C++ syntax is a bonus, but what really makes this cool is the features that this library has, over and above the basics of Box2D.  Things like shape cutting, soft bodies; breakable joints etcetera.

You can find out more information, and download the source code from Google Code, at:

quickb2 – Box2D for Flash games.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Power of Finite State Machines: Concept and Creation

This two-part tutorial will cover creating a multi-state car using a finite state machine. We will start with Procedural FSM and progress into the State Pattern design pattern. Concept and creation will be our main focus during this first part; we will then proceed into application and extension during the second part.

Final Result Preview

Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:

What Is a Finite State Machine?

Wikipedia defines an FSM (Finite State Machine) as a mathematical abstraction sometimes used to design digital logic or computer programs. It is a behavior model composed of a finite number of states, transitions between those states, and actions, similar to a flow graph in which one can inspect the way logic runs when certain conditions are met.

It has finite internal memory; an input feature that reads symbols in a sequence, one at a time, without going backward; and an output feature, which may be in the form of a user interface, once the model is implemented. The operation of an FSM begins from one of the states (called a start state), goes through transitions (depending on the inputs) to different states, and can end in any of those available – however, only a certain set of states mark a successful flow of operation.

In my own words, an FSM is a device used by developers to create objects that have different behaviors determined by the current state they are in. Depending on the input, the object can react and/or transition to a different state.

One good example would be a 1970 HK VP70Z machine pistol, which has three firing modes: safety, single shot, and semi-automatic three-round burst. Depending on the current mode you have it set to (state), the result (output) is different when you pull the trigger (input).

Tools: When conceptualizing an idea (the multi-state object you’re trying to create), it’s best to use a State Transition Table to know what states and actions for those states you will need to add.

Step 1: Setup

It’s time to start a new project. With FlashDevelop, create a new AS3 project. For the name, put CarFSM. Click “Browse…” and save it to your desired location. Go into the Package slot and enter “com.activeTuts.fsm”. Make sure the “Create directory for project” checkbox is selected then click “OK” to finish.

Read more: The Power of Finite State Machines: Concept and Creation

Guide to Mochi Media services – Leaderboards

Once you are able to set up a game with Mochi Media and enable it for live update and connect with Mochi Services and use Link Tracking, it’s time to learn something which will tie players in front of their monitors until they show the world how much they rock: leaderboards.

Mochi Media offers to developers a great set of features, allowing them to create they own leaderboards with all kind of social options.

First things first, so let’s start from the game dashboard, with the Scores section yet to be activated. Click on ACTIVATE and you are ready to enter the world of leaderboards [...]

Read more: Guide to Mochi Media services – Leaderboards

Saturday, September 3, 2011

MochiLand: The Making of BioGems

BioGems: “The Making Of”


BioGems is Mochi Media’s first in-house game, which can be found in the Mochi Media games catalog. It’s a puzzle battle game in which space pets fight to protect their planet. By matching gems on a board, the player gets his pet to attack the opponent, defend itself for a while, regenerate some health or energy, or fill up its Rage meter.


Building a Team

My name is Dominique Ferland and I’m the game designer of BioGems. Before I joined Mochi, I worked on console games for about 4 years in Montreal. My title was never clear – something of a mix between an artist and a game designer. Growing tired of large-scale projects, I started making games in my spare time. The last game I made is the gamer trivia title, Geek Mind, which put me on Jameson’s radar for a Mochi in-house title. As soon as Jameson made an offer for me to start a development team and make fun games, I said goodbye to my old job!

CEO and co-founder of everything Mochi, Jameson Hsu is the best boss in the world. His vision for games is pretty simple – making awesome games he’d love to play. As we shared our love for games and discussed our game ideas, it was clear that we’d make a good creative team. As you’ll see in this post-mortem, Jameson’s input in the design and in the production really helped keep BioGems simple and super fun.

As Jameson and I were developing our puzzle game idea, we realized we would need a super programmer to join the team – that’s when Jameson found Nico Tuason, Master of Flash. Based in the Philippines, Nico has been making games and other Flash projects for years. He really impressed us with his little indie gems, Desert Moon and SolarMax, which really showcased his creative programming skills. Each time he’d add something to the game, it would be super polished, animated and tweaked to perfection. And he’s just an awesome dude.

Brian McBrearty, musical genius, joined in a bit later in development to add all the bleeps and bloops, the loud gem explosions and the awesome music. He did it all with such ease and awesomeness that it was kind of scary. Brian has designed sound and music for tons of films, games and other media – check out his blog for all that craziness.

Enough about us, let’s talk about the game! [...]

Read more: MochiLand: The Making of BioGems

Build an Isometric Map Editor With As3isolib

In this tutorial, I will introduce you to the concept of isometric content creation and the basics of designing with it, using the open source library As3isolib. We will use these skills to create a simple level editor, suitable for an isometric game.

Final Result Preview

Let’s take a look at the final result we will be working towards:

The SWF has been squashed slightly to fit in the page; click here to see it full-size.

Step 1: What is Meant by “Isometric”

First, it’s important to know what we mean by isometric. Isometric is a Greek term which means having equal measurement: all measurements are to scale, no matter how far close or how far in the distance they are from the viewpoint. So in mathematics, isometric projection is a type of projection which preserves distance along objects.

Suppose you are in an isometric view; you will have a 3D view (e.g. when a camera takes a photo of you) where no matter you are, you will be shown at the same scale according to that camera. This is in contrast to a true perspective, where you will be reduced in size when you are far away from the camera.

Isometric and perspective view

As3isolib handles all the underlying math involved in creating your scenes and views, so don’t worry about the math!

Step 2: What Does Tile-Based Mean?

Tile based is a term used for any graphical content that uses tiles as a fundmental element. The concept itself is a bit old — it was used in older games for technical reasons — but this doesn’t mean that tile based games are now dead; these days 3D rendering is, but these 3D games can be tile based (and many are). This is where isometric games come in. Tiles are usually rectangular, but there are also square tiles, triangular tiles and even hexagonal tiles (as in some Civilization titles).

Step 3: Rectangular Maps vs. Isometric Maps

Rectangular tiles are the easiest of all to work with, though most of the time, when working in rectangle land, you use square tiles. You can use other sizes, of course, but square seems to be a favorite. The point of view for games with square tiles is usually top down or overhead. This just means that all your graphics must be drawn as though you are looking down on the object. Sometimes you can give your game a slightly angled view so that you are looking mostly down, but you can see some of the front or back.

Another point of view for square tiles is the “side-scroller” view, where you are looking at the world from its side. This was very popular among older action games like Super Mario Bros and the original 2D Duke Nukem. In a rectangular map, moving along the X-axis means moving east, and moving along the Y-axis means moving south. In an isometric tilemap, depending on its type, moving along the X-axis might mean moving southeast, and moving along the Y-axis might mean moving southwest. In isometric tiles we still use rectangular areas to contain the tiles; this is not going to change. What will change is how you will render them.

(Editor’s note: a great guide to different types of perspective can be found here.)

Step 4: Isometric Map Types

There are three types of isometric tilemaps: slide, staggered, and diamond. Each has its own set of quirks, its own methods of rendering, its own way of representing a tilemap, and its own method of navigating them. I will introduce them briefly in this step.

Slide Maps: The slide tilemap is probably the easiest to render, navigate, and interact with. Unfortunately, it has limited uses. It’s mainly used to scroll action games. Usually, a slide map has a horizontal X axis and a diagonal Y axis, although it is possible to have a vertical Y axis and a diagonal X axis. The tiles are blitted in horizontal rows top to bottom.

Staggered Maps: Staggered maps works perfectly in turn-based strategy games. It is also very useful in simulating a round world; it is best suited for maps that wrap around (move from one edge to the other). Each new row of the map is alternately shifted one-half of a tile left or right, which results in a zigzag pattern of tiles. The X axis is usually horizontal (increasing to the east), and the Y axis is southeast and southwest. Staggered maps are the most irregular of the three. The tiles are blitted in horizontal rows, top to bottom.

Diamond Maps: This type of map is very popular in real-time strategy games. These maps are the least offensive; slide maps have “tattered” tops and bottoms, and staggered maps have “tattered” edges, so diamond maps are the smoothest. In diamond maps, the only requirement is that both the X- and Y-axis are diagonal, so you can increase X-axis or Y-axis as fits you, like the X axis increasing to the southwest and the Y axis to the southeast [...]

Read more: Build an Isometric Map Editor With As3isolib:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

movieMonitor: an AS3 performance monitor with 10.1 features

Do you want to know how your latest Flash project is performing?

Here is movieMonitor, a little widget useful to display FPS, memory usage, stage size and number of children.

It’s based upon Hi-ReS-Stats by Mr.doob, but I added some new features to fit my needs, using some of the new System properties introduced by Flash Player 10.1

The usage is simple: just add

stage.addChild(new movieMonitor());

And you’re done. You can change stage with any DisplayObject if you want.

Look at this example:

Let’s see what do these figures mean:

FPS: current amount of frames per second (after the “/” you can see the amount of frames per second set in movie properties)

Minute average: the average amount of frames per second in the latest minute

ms per frame: the amount of milliseconds needed to draw the current frame

Direct: the amount of memory (in Megabytes) currently in use that has been directly allocated by Flash Player

Max direct: the maximum amount of memory allocated by the Flash Player so far

Total: the entire amount of memory (in Megabytes) used by the application, including the memory used by the container application, such as the web browser

Garbage: the amount of memory (Megabytes) that is allocated but not in use. This unused portion of allocated memory fluctuates as garbage collection takes place

Width: the width of the stage, in pixels. The width is calculated based on the bounds of the content of the stage (after the “/” you can see the stage width set in movie properties)

Height: the height of the stage, in pixels. The height is calculated based on the bounds of the content of the stage (after the “/” you can see the stage height set in movie properties)

Children: the number of DisplayObjects in the movie.

This is the script [...]

Read more: movieMonitor: an AS3 performance monitor with 10.1 features