This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Let's Build a 3D Graphics Engine
The 3D game engines that are behind today’s biggest games are staggering works of mathematics and programming, and many game developers find that understanding them in their entirety is a difficult task. If you are lacking in experience (or a college degree like myself), this task becomes even more arduous. In this series, I aim to walk you through the basics of graphics systems in 3D engines. More specifically, in this tutorial we will be discussing points and vectors, and all of the fun that comes with them. If you have a basic grasp of algebra (variables and variable math) and Computer Science (the basics of any object-oriented programming language), you should be able to make it through most of these tutorials, but if you’re having trouble with any of the concepts, please ask questions! Some of these topics can be terribly difficult. Basics of Coordinate Systems
Let’s start from the basics. Three-dimensional graphics require the concept of a three-dimensional space. The most widely used of these spaces is called the Cartesian Space, which gives us the benefit of Cartesian coordinates (the basic \((x,y)\) notations and 2D grid-spaced graphs that are taught in most high schools).

The Coordinate System
Now let’s talk about the mathematical definition of our coordinate system, how it affects our graphics system, and the calculations we can make.Representing Points
The origin point of our coordinate system can be depicted as the point \(O\), which represents the 3-tuple (0,0,0). This means that the mathematical representation of our coordinate system can be depicted as: \[\{O;X,Y,Z\}\] By this statement, you can say that \((x,y,z)\) represents a point’s position in relation to the origin. This definition also means that any point \(P\), \((a, b, c)\), can be represented as: \[P = O + aX + bY + cZ\] From here on, I will reference scalars in lower-case and vectors in upper-case – so \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) are scalars, and \(X\), \(Y\), and \(Z\) are vectors. (They are actually the basis vectors we defined earlier.) This means that a point whose tuple is (2,3,4) could be represented as: \[\begin{aligned} (2,3,4) & = (2,0,0) + (0,3,0) + (0,0,4)\\ & = (0,0,0) + (2,0,0) + (0,3,0) + (0,0,4)\\ & = (0,0,0) + 2(1,0,0) + 3(0,1,0) + 4(0,0,1)\\ & = O + 2X + 3Y + 4Z\\ \end{aligned}\] So, we’ve taken this abstract concept of “a point in 3D space” and defined it as four separate objects added together. This kind of definition is very important whenever we want to put any concept into code.Mutually Perpendicular
The coordinate system that we will be using also has the valuable property of being mutually perpendicular. This means that there is a 90 degree angle between each of the axes where they meet on their respective planes.

Points and Vectors
With all of the basics of our coordinate system locked down, its time to talk about points and vectors and, more importantly, how they interact with one another. The first thing to note is that points and vectors are distinctly different things: a point is a physical location within your space; a vector is the space between two points.
- Axiom 1: The difference of two points is a vector, so \(\mathbf{V} = P – Q\)
- Axiom 2: The sum of a point and a vector is a point, so \(Q = P + \mathbf{V}\)
Building the Engine
With these axioms stated, we now have enough information to create the building block classes that are at the heart of any 3D game engine: thePoint
class and the Vector
class. If we were going to build our own engine using this information, there would be some other important steps to take when creating these classes (mostly having to do with optimization or dealing with already existing APIs), but we are going to leave these out for the sake of simplicity. The class examples below are all going to be in pseudocode so that you can follow along with your programming language of choice. Here are outlines of our two classes: Point Class { Variables: num tuple[3]; //(x,y,z) Operators: Point AddVectorToPoint(Vector); Point SubtractVectorFromPoint(Vector); Vector SubtractPointFromPoint(Point); Function: //later this will call a function from a graphics API, but for now //this should just be printing the points coordinates to the screen drawPoint; }
Vector Class { Variables: num tuple[3]; //(x,y,z) Operators: Vector AddVectorToVector(Vector); Vector SubtractVectorFromVector(Vector); }
Read more: Let’s Build a 3D Graphics Engine: Points, Vectors, and Basic Concepts
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