Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to Speed Up A* Pathfinding With the Jump Point Search Algorithm

Pathfinding is ubiquitous in games. So it’s important to understand the implications which are present when using algorithms such as A*. In this tutorial we’re going to cover a relatively new method for searching grid based worlds: Jump Point Search, which can speed up A* by orders of magnitude. Note: Although this tutorial is written using AS3 and Flash, you should be able to use the same techniques and concepts in almost any game development environment. This implementation is based on the original paper and article on JPS found here: Jump Point Search. The Lua based implementation, Jumper, was used for help with some parts of the implementation.

Jump Point Search Demo

Click the SWF to give it focus, then move your mouse over non-blocking areas of the map to have the NPCs try to get to it. Hit Space to switch between A*, Jump Point Search, and both. No Flash? Check out the YouTube video instead:


The demo implementation above uses AS3 and Flash with the Starling Framework for GPU accelerated rendering and the polygonal-ds library for data structures.


Pathfinding is often used in video games and you are sure to bump into it at some point during your game development career. Its primary use is to give intelligent looking movement behavior to artificial entities (NPCs), to avoid them bumping into things (often). In some games the player avatar is also subject to pathfinding (strategy games, many third person RPGs and adventure games). So you might assume that the problem of pathfinding is solved, but unfortunately that’s not the case; there is no silver bullet which you can use and just be done with it. And even in big AAA games, you will still find funny things like this:
There may not be a silver bullet, but there is a bullet: the A* (A star) algorithm. In this tutorial we are going to see a brief overview of A* and how to speed it up using another algorithm, Jump Point Search. First we need a way to represent our game world in a way that a pathfinding algorithm can use it.

World Representations

One of the most important things to consider when thinking about pathfinding for your game is world representation. How is the data of the passable areas and obstacles organized with programming structures in memory? The simplest representation you can use is a grid-based structure, where path nodes are organized in a grid and can be represented by a 2D array. We are going to use this representation in this tutorial. Specifically it will be an eight-way grid representation: allowing movement in straight and diagonal directions.
The black pixels in the image represent the blocking cells.
Your requirements might be different, so this structure might not suit you. Good thing is that with some processing (usually done offline) you can change pathfinding representations to other formats. Alternatives to grid based approach would include things like polygon (obstacles represented by polygons) or navigation meshes (navigation areas represented by polygons); these can represent the same data with fewer nodes. Another data that can be stored in map representation are costs: how much it costs to travel from one node to another. This can be used for the AI to determine the path that, for example, prefers roads over regular terrain (making the cost of the road less than the terrain). Jump Point Search is specifically designed for eight-way grid based map representation so we’ll use that. Also, in its vanilla form it doesn’t support weighted maps. (In the final section I’ll discuss a possible way to remedy this.)

A* Pathfinding Refresher

Now we have a world representation let’s take a quick look at implementing A*. It’s a weighted graph search algorithm which uses heuristics (little “hints”) of how to best search the area from the start node to the end node. I highly recommend that you check out this visualization of pathfinding algorithms: PathFinding.js – visual. Playing with it can boost your intuition of what the algorithm is actually doing – plus it’s fun! For pathfinding using A* in rectangular grids we do the following:
1. Find node closest to your position and declare it start node and put it on 
   the open list. 
2. While there are nodes in the open list:
   3. Pick the node from the open list having the smallest F score. Put it on 
      the closed list (you don't want to consider it again).
   4. For each neighbor (adjacent cell) which isn't in the closed list:
      5. Set its parent to current node.
      6. Calculate G score (distance from starting node to this neighbor) and 
         add it to the open list
      7. Calculate F score by adding heuristics to the G value.

  • A* Pathfinding for Beginners (In-depth article that explains F and G scores among other things.)

  • Heuristics is essentially making a guess at the chance that the node being evaluated will lead to the goal. Heuristics can make a big difference in efficiency of pathfinding algorithms as they tend to limit the number of nodes that need to be visited. We are going to use Manhattan distance for our purposes (meaning that nodes closer to the goal will have a smaller number):
    private function manhattanDistance(start:Node, end:Node):int {
        return Math.abs(end.x - start.x) + Math.abs(end.y - start.y);
    This is more or less it. We stop the algorithm when we find the goal node, and then track back using parent variable of node to construct the path. Search algorithms can be used for other things as well. A* is a general weighted graph search algorithm, and can be used on any such graph. This can cover other fields in AI, such as finding the optimal steps to achieve certain objective: throw a bomb or run for shelter and try to sneak behind an enemy? In game development we need to do things fast, when updating our games at 60 frames per second every millisecond counts. Even though A* performs reasonably well for some uses there exists the need to make it faster or use less memory.


    Choosing the representation is the first thing that will have an impact on pathfinding performance and your choice of pathfinding algorithm. The size of the graph that is being searched will have a big correlation on how your pathfinding performs (which makes sense; it’s easier to find your way in your room than in a big city). Then you would consider higher level optimizations which usually involve clustering data to smaller regions and then searching those while later refining paths in travelled smaller regions. For example, if you want to go to a restaurant in a neighboring city, you first consider how you get from your city to that one, and once you are in that city you limit your “searching” to the area where the restaurant is located, ignoring the rest. This would include things like swamps, dead end elimination and HPA*. On the lowest level you have to do the searching. You chose your data representation and possible abstractions and then plug them in an algorithm that will pick out nodes, travel here and there searching for the goal. These algorithms are usually based on the A* searching algorithm with possible modifications. In simpler cases you can get away with using straight A* which offers you the simplicity. I’ve provided a grid based implementation in the source download.

    Jump Point Search

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