Monday, March 19, 2012

Quick Tip: Create a Typewriter Text Effect Class

In this Quick Tip, we’ll create a static, re-usable ActionScript class that will produce a Typewriter effect with a single line. Read on!

Step 1: Brief Overview

We’ll split a user defined string into an array, and then add the resulting letters to a TextField one by one using the Timer class.

Step 2: Typewriter Class

Our class will be static, which means it doesn’t need to be instantiated using the new keyword. To access a static class member, use the name of the class instead of the name of an instance. Create a new ActionScript file and write the following code:
 import flash.text.TextField;
 import flash.utils.Timer;

 public final class Typewriter
  /* Declare the variables and methods as static */

  private static var chars:Array; //the characters in the string
  private static var cLen:int; //length of the string
  private static var tf:TextField; //textfield to which the string will be written
  private static var timer:Timer; //pauses between writing each character
  private static var i:int = 0; //variable used to count the written characters

  public static function write(txt:String, txtField:TextField, time:Number):void
   chars = txt.split(""); //split the string into an array of characters
   cLen = chars.length + 2; //length of the string
   tf = txtField; //assign tf to the text field passed to the function
   timer = new Timer(time); //set time according to parameter

   timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, writeChar);
   timer.start(); //start writing function

  private static function writeChar(e:TimerEvent):void
   tf.appendText(chars[i]); //writes a char every time the function is called
   i++; //counts the written chars

   if(tf.length == cLen) //check whether string is complete
    timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, writeChar); //clear timer
    timer = null;

Step 3: Usage

The usage couldn’t be easier – just add the class to your project folder and use the following code:
import Typewriter;

Typewriter.write('Text to Write', targetTextfield, 50);
That’s it, test your movie and you’ll see your TextField using the Typewriter effect.

Step 4: Example

I used the class in on this example swf so you can see the effect [...]
Read more: Quick Tip: Create a Typewriter Text Effect Class

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