Thursday, December 13, 2012

Creating a Custom Virtual Keyboard

Although AIR for iOS offers access to the iOS virtual keyboard, you have limited control over the type of keyboard that appears. If you want additional keyboard configurations within your Flash project then you’ll need to build your own custom keyboard component. Although this will require some development effort it will allow you to tailor the user experience. For certain apps such as games, you may actually find a custom keyboard is the preferred option, as it will better fit your visual design.
Let’s see how to create one using Flash.
Flash iOS Apps CookbookThis tutorial is a previously unreleased recipe from Flash iOS Apps Cookbook and supplements the content found in Chapter 7, Working with Text and the Virtual Keyboard.
Flash iOS Apps Cookbook provides the recipes required to build native iOS apps using your existing knowledge of the Flash platform. Whether you want to create something new or simply convert an existing Flash project, the relevant steps and techniques are covered, helping you achieve your goal.

Getting Ready

An FLA has been provided as a starting point.
Download this recipe’s accompanying source bundle and open chapter7/recipe8/recipe.fla into Flash Professional.
The visuals for this application have already been created. Sitting on the stage is a virtual keyboard and a dynamic text field. The text field will be used to output what the user types.
The dynamic text field has been named field while the movie clip instance that represents the virtual keyboard has been named keyboard.

Entering a player's name with a custom virtual keyboard.
With the Selection tool (V) selected, double-click on the keyboard instance to examine its timeline. The keyboard contains 28 keys – 26 for the letters of the alphabet, an ok key for when the user is finished typing, and a del key to delete a character. You’ll find that each alphabetic key is represented by its own movie clip and that the instances are named a_key to z_key. This naming convention makes it easy to determine the letter that a key represents by simply examining the first character of its instance name. The remaining two keys have instance names of ok_key and del_key. Additionally there’s a movie clip named surface that sits beneath the keys and represents the keyboard’s body.
Double-click on any one of the keys to examine its timeline. Each is represented by two frames, where the second frame will be shown when the key is being pressed. The movie clip symbol for each key is linked to a class named Button, which was introduced in the Handling user interaction recipe from Chapter 4. Open and familiarize yourself with the code.

How to do it…

Perform the following steps.
From Flash, select File | New and create a new ActionScript 3.0 class. Name it VirtualKeyboard.
  • Add the following ActionScript to the class:
    Read more: Creating a Custom Virtual Keyboard
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