Sunday, February 26, 2012

Epic Flash memory leak track down

Have you ever had a memory instantiation problem that was impossible to track down? Here is a post that might help you with that kind of thing!

Beware! This post is very long… but VERY instructive! If you want to learn some internal mechanism of Flash, I strongly suggest you read it from top to bottom without skipping parts!:)

The Context

Yesterday I was helping Luca (creator of Nape physic engine, made with haXe) to find what seemed to be a big memory leak. There was a couple framework used so it could be directly from Nape… or from Starling… or from debug tool running… or from a port error from haXe…

Memory profiling

So I though it was going to be simple

I got TheMiner running and started profiling. It was pretty easy to find a LOT of memory allocation coming from Starling. The SWC version available is over 4 months old and back then there was a lot of useless instantiation coming from
If you use Starling, I suggest you build from sources as these instantiation are gone now.
There are a couple left but no big deal.

We also saw that Nape was using a LOT of anonymous function call and some try catch. This create what’s called activation-object. And there was a lot of these. So by removing anon-calls and try catch we were able to remove a lot of instanciation.

And After removing the debugging tools, It was clear it was coming from haXe or Nape.

But even when recording all samples allocated by the VM I could not find the damn allocation. (we are talking of more than 1Mo per sec)

Then I wrote a Scala script to try to identify samples that could have been missed, but that didn’t help me much since that was only an override of constructor and constructorProp avm opcodes.

Simplifying the context

So I decided to look a bit further into the bytecode and found something very interesting.

After simplifying the problem multiple time, I got this very simple code to demonstrate the bug.
Because Nape has that very nice abstraction layer, it can support both standard DisplayObject as well as Starling 3D DisplayObject.

The leak happens when Nape try to set the DisplayObject properties like .x, .y, .rotation, etc.
Let’s create a fake DisplayObject class and name it DO [...]

Read more: Epic Flash memory leak track down

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