We prepared a list of Misc Class in pervious article 8 Useful Misc ActionScript Class. There are more and more open source projects floating around all over the place, it’s real beauty for all Flex/Flash developers. Here is a new list open source ActionScript 3 MISC libraries – all of them are small but very useful. Please don’t stint your time to try, these libraries can help you to improve your develop efficiency faster.
Please left you comment to help consummate this list if you feel I missed anything.
1. appcorelib
Open Source Flex Application Core Library, AppCoreLib is a collection of useful classes that facilitate easy RIA development with regards to XML based data being pulled in. The general approach is that an application needs to load various content/setting files prior to loading the UI. Through a series of simple checks, an application can then load the UI once those dependencies have been loaded or alert the user if they have not.
AppCoreLib provides simple XMLDataBroker classes with convenience methods that allows easy traversal of the XML data using simple IDs.
2. as3awss3lib
as3awss3lib is an AS3 library for accessing Amazon’s S3 service. It only works in Apollo because of restrictions in the browser player. It supports managing buckets and objects.
as3barcodelib is a library for reading and decoding barcodes in Actionscript 3. Initially it will be able to read and decode the one-dimensional EAN 13 symbology from bitmaps.
AS3BloggerLib is an Actionscript 3.0 library that allows installed (AIR) applications to access the Blogger Data API. This library also contains functionality to authenticate a Google account using Google’s ClientLogin protocol.
Cannonball is an implementation of the DOM Level 3, HTML and CSS3 core specifications written in ActionScript 3.0.
6. as3csslib
as3csslib is an CSS engine separated from as3cannonball for ActionScript 3.0
7. as3corelib
as3corelib is an ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
8. as3crypto
As3 Crypto is a cryptography library written in Actionscript 3 that provides several common algorithms.
9. as3ebaylib
The eBay ActionScript 3.0 library provides an interface between the eBay XML API and ActionScript 3.0. This open-source library will allow developers to create novel and innovative applications leveraging both eBay’s marketplace services and Adobe’s Flash Player 9 runtime!
10. as3facebooklib
The Facebook API provides an ActionScript 3.0 for interacting with the Facebook Platform API.
11. as3fedexlib
This is an ActionScript 3.0 wrapper on top of the FedEx XML APIs. It also provides a solid framework on top of which you can easily add additional functionality.
12. as3flexdb
AS3FlexDB project is a open source lib that allows Adobe Flex applications to connect to a MySQL server.
13. as3flickrlib
The Flickr library is an ActionScript 3.0 API for the online photo sharing application, Flickr. It provides access to the entire Flickr API.
14. as3gamelib
Library of useful gaming classes for game development on the actionscript/flash platform
15. as3isolib
As3isolib (v1.0) is an open-source ActionScript 3.0 Isometric Library developed to assist in creating isometrically projected content (such as games and graphics) targeted for the Flash player platform. As3isolib includes utilities, primitives and views. As3isolib was developed with simplicity, speed and performance in mind so that developers can focus on actual implementations rather than having to learn a complex API [...]
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